Summary The Artifact Cotrol Panel adds a new feature in SharePoint Central Administration required to activate other artifacts. No license required to be activated and you get for free . Displays a list of all installed artifacts and the ability to insert activation codes. Instructions When you access the SharePoint Control Panel; you will see a new section named Licensing Configurator Bolufer ; where two links displayed. When you click on the check the status of licenses , you access the list of all installed devices, where you can see the code of the artifact, the name of the license to acquire, the installed version and the license status (if a green circle with a check means that the device is properly licensed, however if a red circle with a cross means that you must obtain a license to operate). There are two types of licenses: Perpetual license 30-day license trial When you click on the Management of lice...
Summary The Artifact Choice Track Field extends the functionality of a standard field SharePoint choice. To associate a color to each menu option besides having a record of the changes that have occurred in the field; user viewing and modification date. Instructions The Artifact Choice Track Field extends the functionality of a standard field SharePoint choice. To associate a color to each menu option besides having a record of the changes that have occurred in the field; user viewing and modification date. It is often used to keep track of the states through which it has passed an item, keep track of changes or other activity that requires identifying the author of the change. Keeps a record of all changes that have been made in the field, informing the author and modification date. It allows various types of representation in the list view Features Change registration column, informing the user and modificati...