The Artifact Choice Track Field extends the functionality of a standard field SharePoint choice.
To associate a color to each menu option besides having a record of the changes that have occurred in the field; user viewing and modification date.
The Artifact Choice Track Field extends the functionality of a standard field SharePoint choice.
To associate a color to each menu option besides having a record of the changes that have occurred in the field; user viewing and modification date.
It is often used to keep track of the states through which it has passed an item, keep track of changes or other activity that requires identifying the author of the change.
Keeps a record of all changes that have been made in the field, informing the author and modification date.
It allows various types of representation in the list view
- Change registration column, informing the user and modification date
- Ability to view options as drop down menu or radio buttons.
- Support to associate a color to each available option
- Ability to add new elements "fill-in"
- Several types of representation in the list view
- Support for reordering the menu options
- Multi language support
For install send the FarmID number of the SharePoint On Premise Server to: this email
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